Saturday, August 10, 2019

Success is not the destination Its a Journey

I thought of venting my feelings and giving them the words so no better place than to write a blog about it but before I could start It took me two hours to reach the starting. Before typing anything I got stuck with the title.

As of now while I am writing these lines I don't have the title but eventually we will find it before we end this blog. If you are thinking who is the other one in this "WE" then it's none other than I and my writing.

So after skipping the title I thought I must start with some phrase or motivational stuff but then again confusion of selection. now in this era of information (or we should say data) its so hard to compile something useful from this haystack and quite a task to perform.  So later on I decided to write some answers on quora before writing something here. But there are so many questions and again so much confusion for whether this question should be answered or not.

So I am back to square one and here we are stuck with lack of title and content. So after retracing my thought process that the idea of writing the blog today occurred to me due to the lines I came across reading today which are " With so many things coming back to trend I am waiting for MORALS, RESPECT and INTELLIGENCE to trend again ". and apart from these things I hope the amount of time spent on social media today to spread information will be saved from circulating rumors. The youtube has the data to watch which can't be completed in a single lifetime.  Why people are so obsessed with making money through Tiktok or other video status app? 

I might be sounding like someone who is judging everyone for their actions but believe me when I say we are wasting a complete generation and there is no way to stop these things. Anyways that's the beauty of writing you start with no idea where it will go but eventually you will find the road and reach the destination once you start. Let me conclude here with these fabulous lines  from Mirza Galib (Image:

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